Educational resources for school


Educational resources for school

Educational resources for school
Destinatari didattica: 
Descrizione 1: 

Patrimonio in Comune comprende un ricco programma educativo e formativo riservato a studenti e docenti delle scuole di ogni ordine e grado di Roma e di tutto il territorio nazionale.

Il catalogo 2024 – 2025, comprendente visite guidate a mostre temporanee e collezioni permanenti, itinerari alla scoperta della città, letture di opere d'arte e laboratori sarà presto online e consultabile sul sito

Vedi il Comunicato Stampa

Per scuole
Educational initiatives
04 March - 28 March 2025
The educational offer of the Planetarium includes it as a frame - physical and intellectual - in which all the questions that express man's desire for knowledge of the cosmos are set.
There are no planned events.
Per scuole
Educational initiatives
01 February - 28 February 2025
The educational offer of the Planetarium includes it as a frame - physical and intellectual - in which all the questions that express man's desire for knowledge of the cosmos are set.
Per scuole
Educational initiatives
01 February - 28 February 2025
The educational offer of the Planetarium includes it as a frame - physical and intellectual - in which all the questions that express man's desire for knowledge of the cosmos are set.
Per scuole
Educational initiatives
01 February - 28 February 2025
The educational offer of the Planetarium includes it as a frame - physical and intellectual - in which all the questions that express man's desire for knowledge of the cosmos are set.
Per scuole
Educational initiatives
01 February - 28 February 2025
The educational offer of the Planetarium includes it as a frame - physical and intellectual - in which all the questions that express man's desire for knowledge of the cosmos are set.
Per scuole
Educational initiatives
07 January - 31 January 2025
The educational offer of the Planetarium includes it as a frame - physical and intellectual - in which all the questions that express man's desire for knowledge of the cosmos are set.
Per scuole
Educational initiatives
07 January - 31 January 2025
The educational offer of the Planetarium includes it as a frame - physical and intellectual - in which all the questions that express man's desire for knowledge of the cosmos are set.
Per scuole
Educational initiatives
07 January - 31 January 2025
The educational offer of the Planetarium includes it as a frame - physical and intellectual - in which all the questions that express man's desire for knowledge of the cosmos are set.
Per scuole
Educational initiatives
07 January - 31 January 2025
The educational offer of the Planetarium includes it as a frame - physical and intellectual - in which all the questions that express man's desire for knowledge of the cosmos are set.